Garlands are made of fresh flowers and greenery and built on a framework.
They are held, carried or hung from a pole.
They are not worn.
Collect suitable flowers and foliage on Sunday afternoon, keep it all in a bucket of water overnight & construct your masterpiece in the morning. May blossom is traditional but lilac, apple blossom and other garden flowers are popular too.
A selection of flowers is probably easiest but some very pretty garlands are made from just one colour or one type of flower.
You need a framework to attach the flowers to – this can be of woven twigs, wire from coat hangers, a hula-hoop, an umbrella frame or even from rope and can be decorated with ribbons. You could hang it from a pole, a broomstick or small branch with a thick ribbon. Fix it on with tape, string or wire.
Please remember the country code when you’re out collecting – don’t pick rare flowers, dig up any plants or damage our countryside.
Bring your complete garland to the Gun Garden at Lewes Castle from 10:00am onwards on Garland Day and join in the fun.
At 10:15am the Mayor and Chairman of the District Council start to judge the garlands, so no entries after 10:30am please.
Remember, they only judge garlands.
If you’ve decorated a pram, bicycle, wear a circlet of flowers or have a posy to carry, they won’t be judged but we’d love to have you with us in the procession.
At 11:00am there is a Grand Procession down the High Street led by The Knots of May dancers to Cliffe Precinct, where prizes are presented by the judges for best garlands and everyone gets a certificate.
Good morning missus and masters; I wish you a happy day.
Please to smell my garland, for it is the first of May.